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User Management Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Bentley User Management feedback site. We value your feedback, and our team regularly reviews your ideas and considers them for future improvements to our products and services.

You have 3 options for providing feedback:

  1. VOTE for an existing idea. The popularity of an idea helps us understand its importance to the community.

  2. COMMENT on an existing idea. We want to hear your unique point of view.

  3. ADD a new idea. You can always submit a new idea if no existing one describes your suggestion.

When you add, vote or comment on an idea you will also be subscribed to that idea and receive status updates. Please note we may merge or rename ideas for better clarity for the community. Thank you for your support and feedback.


All ideas

Showing 103 of 103

Give admin possibility to remove user from account

As we have deploy the Bentley cloud for the first time, we initially add external users with a different domain to our account. Later when we wanted to do some clean up and better understand how to add people to projects. We try to delete the user...
Luc Poulin over 1 year ago in  0 Needs review

Filter Icon should be available to Latest Response as well

Since there are already filter provided for the subject, classification, purpose, status, etc., Bentley Developer could consider providing the filter icon as well in LATEST RESPONSE, the same with ISSUED column, it will help our document controlle...
Angelica Tiglao 8 months ago in  0 Needs review

Restore production of STL format in iTwinCapture Modeler

Some customers who subscribe SELECT still need STL format for 3D printing. They have to use earlier version to get the STL production when needed. Then what's the point to subscribe SELECT? Please restore STL format. Thanks! Carol
Carol Yu 8 months ago in  0 Needs review

Allow non-federated users to delete themselves from an account.

Avoids users having to contact an administrator to get deleted from an old account before being added to a new account. Frequently users in this situation have issues contacting an existing administrator as sometimes user management hasn't been ma...
Brian Donahue about 2 years ago in  0 Needs review

Dynamic Closed Mesh

Making the "Create Closed Mesh" tool dynamic would be incredibly useful to generate variable depth meshes. Since surface meshes must be a constant depth a good alternative would be to have a dynamic closed mesh option. Or add varying depth option ...
James Davis 8 months ago in  0 Needs review

Add a tile for MAS Dashboard

Request is to have a MAS dashboard that PW corporate admin can validate and make update as needed.
Luc Poulin 9 months ago in  0 Needs review

All Code Checks to Read Material Definition Design Properties (Fy/Fu/Rt/Ry/Fcu) by Default

Relevant Ticket CS0214920 STAAD has added various "Steel" materials with varying yield/tensile strengths (e.g. STEEL_36_ksi, STEEL_275_NMM2). According to the AISC 360 Code Checks - improvements were added to read the material property's yield/ten...
Michael Duncanson 9 months ago in  0 Needs review

Synced Entitlement groups

Ability to use Azure synced groups for entitlement purposes. Right now its not possible to use the groups as entitlement groups. This can and will be used to ensure that users have access to the correct software licenses.
Tine Lai Andersen 9 months ago in  0 Needs review

Cleanup Tool

I would like to see a cleanup tool that would allow users to be removed after a period of time and run as a scheduled task. This would also require a column for the date the account was created to make sure new account are not purged.
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Editable Width for U-Bolts (Distance between U-Bolt Arms)

Hi,There is a functionality In Openplant Modeler to place U-Bolts (Anchor / Guide). All dimensions in U-Bolt dialogue box are editable and will change the graphics in 3D Model except for Width (Distance between the U-Bolt Arms). The idea is to fix...
Reza Safari 9 months ago in  0 Needs review