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User Management Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Bentley User Management feedback site. We value your feedback, and our team regularly reviews your ideas and considers them for future improvements to our products and services.

You have 3 options for providing feedback:

  1. VOTE for an existing idea. The popularity of an idea helps us understand its importance to the community.

  2. COMMENT on an existing idea. We want to hear your unique point of view.

  3. ADD a new idea. You can always submit a new idea if no existing one describes your suggestion.

When you add, vote or comment on an idea you will also be subscribed to that idea and receive status updates. Please note we may merge or rename ideas for better clarity for the community. Thank you for your support and feedback.


All ideas

Showing 103 of 103

Resetting Users Passwords from User Management

Can the reset password on the user’s behalf from User Management will be added back? That was pretty handy for me as a Georgia DOT ProjectWise Administrator. The City of Atlanta had a security breach about 3 years ago where lots of data was stolen...
Guest about 4 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Add option to allow Administrators the option to reset user password

With the new CONNECT tools, account administrators are no longer able to request a Password reset. It would be better to offer a Administrators the option to reset user password, rather than crate a SR and have to waits hours days for a reply.
Guest over 4 years ago in  0

Changing the color of the flag symbol when adding Issues resolution

A nice option would be the ability to change the color of the flag (in documents such as PDFs) depending on the status of the issues resolution format (Close, Open, etc.)
Przemysław Trochimiak 5 months ago in  0 Needs review

login date

The login date should be the correct last date used in connection client. This does not seem to be the case for all users.
Robin Graf about 4 years ago in  1 Future consideration

User Management Number of UserLines

Hello.It should be much simpler if it was possible to se more tan 10 users at the same time on the page.Thanks / Oskar
Guest over 4 years ago in  1

Instantaneous radius in Station Offset Reports

Please can functionality similar to Bentley Railtrack be added to OpenRail to allow Instantaneous Radius information to be reported when running a Station Offset or Station Base Report. In Bentley Railtrack this functionality was toggled on by cli...
Michael CUNNINGHAM 9 months ago in  0 Needs review

New filter: <attribute> is NOT equal to <value>

For example to find users where there is an inconsistency between their location and the license pool they are using: (Berechtigungsland == Deutschland) && (Land != Deutschland)
Guest over 3 years ago in  0 Will not implement

Export user from project

We have the option to import users in a project, but no option to export
Luc Poulin over 1 year ago in  0 Needs review

Edit contact e-mail address

Contact e-mail address should be separate from user ID and should be editable by administrators.
Iwan Kinal almost 4 years ago in  1

iTwin Issues PDF export to be customisable

Please provide the ability to customise the PDF that gets exported from the issue resolution so that it can be placed on a specified letterhead and with the ability to adjust the layout.
Riyaan Moosa about 1 year ago in  0 Needs review