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User Management Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Bentley User Management feedback site. We value your feedback, and our team regularly reviews your ideas and considers them for future improvements to our products and services.

You have 3 options for providing feedback:

  1. VOTE for an existing idea. The popularity of an idea helps us understand its importance to the community.

  2. COMMENT on an existing idea. We want to hear your unique point of view.

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When you add, vote or comment on an idea you will also be subscribed to that idea and receive status updates. Please note we may merge or rename ideas for better clarity for the community. Thank you for your support and feedback.


All ideas

Showing 89

Synced Entitlement groups

Ability to use Azure synced groups for entitlement purposes. Right now its not possible to use the groups as entitlement groups. This can and will be used to ensure that users have access to the correct software licenses.
Tine Lai Andersen 9 months ago in  0 Needs review

Editable Width for U-Bolts (Distance between U-Bolt Arms)

Hi,There is a functionality In Openplant Modeler to place U-Bolts (Anchor / Guide). All dimensions in U-Bolt dialogue box are editable and will change the graphics in 3D Model except for Width (Distance between the U-Bolt Arms). The idea is to fix...
Reza Safari 9 months ago in  0 Needs review

Edit/Change Dimension - change specific settings only.

When I only need to change the text style and (mainly the text size) on the dimensions, it also changes other settings such as text format which contains Orientation, Location, Justification, Text Frame, Left Margin & Lower Margin. I don't nee...
Chagu Mainian 9 months ago in  0 Needs review

Instantaneous radius in Station Offset Reports

Please can functionality similar to Bentley Railtrack be added to OpenRail to allow Instantaneous Radius information to be reported when running a Station Offset or Station Base Report. In Bentley Railtrack this functionality was toggled on by cli...
Michael CUNNINGHAM 9 months ago in  0 Needs review

redhet"><a href=""> anything </a>

redhet"><a href=""> anything </a>
babababab xaasdsdsd 10 months ago in  1 Needs review

Add participants with no organization

When we invite external participants, example the client. The client being owner of his site, he can add new participants that do not belong to an organization. However it seems those new participants add by the client does not find their way to o...
Luc Poulin 10 months ago in  0 Needs review

A command or process to change all cells to snappable and annotative

Due to the time consuming nature of current cell/cell library update workflows, we would like to have a tool/process that could update all cells in a file at once. A response to a recent support request for this is as follows: "There is not curren...
Vance Jones 10 months ago in  0 Needs review

Add design margins to piping loads being sent to structural

When it comes to exporting pipe support loads from AutoPIPE to STAAD, PipeLINK is an effective tool. While PipeLINK has most of the necessary functionality, there is a lack in the ability to add a Design Margin to the pipe support loads sent from ...
Joshua Bortz 10 months ago in  1 Needs review

Rearrange the order of items in the GeoStudio project explorer without changing the names

Currently, the order of the items in the project explorer is determined by numeric or alphabetical order so the only way to have them in the order you want is to put numbers or letters before the name. I'd love to be able to rearrange them without...
Trevor Kent 10 months ago in  0 Needs review

group access and owner

We have a request to allow specific people to access specific group and assign people. Example we have a contract team that wanted to be able to create groups and be owner of those groups so they can assign and remove people. Those groups will giv...
Luc Poulin 10 months ago in  0 Needs review