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User Management Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Bentley User Management feedback site. We value your feedback, and our team regularly reviews your ideas and considers them for future improvements to our products and services.

You have 3 options for providing feedback:

  1. VOTE for an existing idea. The popularity of an idea helps us understand its importance to the community.

  2. COMMENT on an existing idea. We want to hear your unique point of view.

  3. ADD a new idea. You can always submit a new idea if no existing one describes your suggestion.

When you add, vote or comment on an idea you will also be subscribed to that idea and receive status updates. Please note we may merge or rename ideas for better clarity for the community. Thank you for your support and feedback.

Status Already exists
Created by Robin Graf
Created on Jan 20, 2021

mass user update- email

If you update users using mass update via csv the process tells you that you (who? the admin doing it, or the updated users?) get an email when the process is done. This is not true. I, as an admin don't get any message...

  • Drew Brune
    Jun 10, 2021

    Thanks for your feedback, Robin. Glad to hear it was resolved.

  • Robin Graf
    Mar 23, 2021

    This issue seems to be resolved. I get Email messages now, as well as notifications in the connection client and the connection center.